
for lovers of Celtic and roots music, 'n' a wee taste a' Norn Irish craic!

A worship service in heaven, taken directly out of the Book of Revelation, Chapters 4 and 5.

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Comment by Julie Jacobs on March 12, 2025 at 19:38

For some reason, the Vimeo version of Revelation 4 & 5 is not showing up.  I just added the YouTube version.  Let me know how you like it.  Thanks!

Comment by Julie Jacobs on February 13, 2011 at 6:36

Thanks for including the Revelation 4 &5 song, "You Are Worthy to Take the Scroll" in the Celtic Roots Radio playlist! 

I wrote this musical while I was a student at Christ for the Nations. The songs are easy to pick up by the improvisational musician without lead sheets or chord charts, although these are available for the asking.  It is written in the key of C and works great for special holiday celebrations, such as Easter and Christmas. 

The scene is taken directly from Revelation 4 & 5 in the Bible.  It is a worship service that takes place in heaven, beginning with John, the revelator, being invited to 'come up here' by an angel.  While he is in the Spirit, he sees an open door in heaven.  Immediately he is in the presence of God in the throne room of heaven.  He describes what he sees, the actual throne of God and those that surround it.  They are eternally worshiping God.  Then he becomes involved in the search for One who is worthy to open the scroll that is in the right hand of God.  Eventually, after an extensive search in which no one is found worthy to open the scroll, it is discovered that the 'Lamb Who was slain' is worthy, because He purchased people for God with His blood.  Thus ensues a worship service  extolling the worthiness of the Lamb who was slain to receive power, wisdom, glory, honor, strength and blessing.  It is truly magnificent.   

Artwork from REVELATION ILLUSTRATED has been used by permission by Pat Marvenko Smith, www.revelationillustrated.com

Enjoy!  jjj




Started by Michael Walls in Music on Celtic Roots Radio?. Last reply by Raymond McCullough Dec 24, 2019.

Just found you guys... 2 Replies

Started by Johnny Zercher in We are the greatest!. Last reply by Raymond McCullough Dec 24, 2019.

whats happening 2 Replies

Started by Michael Walls in Music on Celtic Roots Radio?. Last reply by Michael Walls Oct 25, 2014.


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